... fi numit acid laevorotator, iar acidul L-lactic ca acid dextrorotator. O amestec de 1:1 de acid D- și L-lactic este denumit racemat. În acest sector de produse colaborăm cu producătorul european Corbion / Purac (Purac ®) și Galactic (Galacit ™).
Calități: Cosmetic, alimentar, și farmaceutic, sintetic, 80 %, 88 %, 90 %, pulbere
Apariție: clar
Număr CAS: general 50-21-5
Stare fizică: lichid, solid
Denumire chimică: acid 2-hidroxi-propionic
Număr E: E 270
Durabilitate: 5 ani
Depozitare: trebuie păstrat într-un loc răcoros, uscat și ferit de lumină, în ambalaj etanș.
Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
Alpha lipoic acid, also known as lipoic acid, is a naturally occurring compound that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It is found in small amounts in certain foods and is also available as a dietary supplement. Alpha lipoic acid is unique in that it is both water-soluble and fat-soluble, which allows it to penetrate all parts of the body. It can easily cross cell membranes and enter cells, including those in the brain. This versatility makes it an effective antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the aqueous and lipid fractions of cells.
Other Name:Alpha Lipoic Acid
Spec./ Purity:99% Purity
CAS Number:1077-28-7
Appearance:Slightly yellow powder or granular
Main function:Powerful antioxidant, supports cellular energy production, promotes healthy blood sugar levels
Test Method:HPLC
Assay(Dried basis):99.0%~101.5%
Loss on Drying:≤0.20%
Melting Point:60~62°C
Particle Size:90% pass 20 mesh
Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm
Total Plate Count:NMT3,000cfu/g
Total Yeast & Mold:NMT300cfu/g
Protection cellulaire & stress oxydatif *
Le corps humain est constitué de milliards de cellules qui doivent faire face en permanence à de multiples influences internes et externes (tabac, UV, pollution, stress, etc.). Ces situations peuvent induire une surproduction de radicaux libres dans le corps. C'est ce qu'on appelle le stress oxydatif. Des mécanismes de protection existent pour compenser ce stress oxydatif.
Les mitochondries sont les centrales énergétiques de nos cellules. Ce sont elles qui permettent la production d'energie sous forme d'ATP. De nombreuses enzymes et coenzymes interviennent dans ce processus de production.
Le coenzyme Q 10H 2 est une molécule que l'on retrouve dans toutes les cellules de l’organisme et en proportion plus abondante dans les cellules nécessitant le plus d’énergie telles que celles du cœur, des poumons, du foie et des muscles.
La Vitamine E contribue à protéger les cellules contre le stress oxydatif.
Le plus Trenker
Le coenzyme Q10.
Folic acid and iodide are important for healthy physical and mental development. Amongst other things, folic acid contributes towards the growth of a mother's tissue during pregnancy and towards normal amino acid synthesis and haematopoiesis. Iodide supports a normal energy metabolism and the cognitive functions, i.e. all those processes in the brain which concern thinking, feeling, perception etc. Because Germany is a country low in folic acid and iodide, in particular those women wishing to have children, pregnant and breast-feeding women should supplement their nutrition with folic acid and iodide.
Each tablet contains 0.4 mg (= 400 µg) folic acid and 0.2 mg (= 200 µg) iodine.
Art. No.:1441
La vitamine C (également appelée acide ascorbique ou acide L-ascorbique) est responsable de nombreux processus métaboliques dans le corps. Il intervient dans le métabolisme des glucides, des protéines et des graisses, ainsi que dans la synthèse de l'hémoglobine, des érythrocytes et de certaines hormones.
La vitamine C existe sous forme oxydée ou réduite sous forme d'acide L-ascorbique. Il est très sensible à la destruction, principalement à cause de la lumière et de la chaleur.
Detartrant naturel
Elimine le tartre et la rouille
La force du citron
Fabrication française
Naturellement present dans le citron, l’acide citrique fait partie des produits menagers de base qui ont fait leur preuve.
100% naturel*.
Nettoyant et detartrant hors pair.
S’utilise dans toute la maison : machine à cafe, bouilloire, machine à laver, robinetteries, cuvettes des WC, plans de travail, surfaces en inox, chrome, ceramique, plastique…
Formidable antioxydant, l’acide citrique elimine la rouille sur le metal.
Ideal egalement pour venir à bout des taches de brûle, de cafe, de the ou autres salissures tenaces.
* Ingredients actifs 100% d’origine naturelle.
Faire un essai prealable sur une petite surface. Ne convient pas aux surfaces aluminium et marbre, et ne pas melanger avec du chlore et de la soude. Ne pas eclabousser sur un tissu ou un vêtement (decoloration possible).
The product contains coenzyme Q10 and an extract from aged, organically grown garlic treated with a special process to remove unpleasant odors.
Aged garlic helps maintain healthy heart, blood vessel function and normal blood cholesterol and fat levels.
Filled and sold by: Galex d.o.o., Tišinska ulica 29g, 9000 Murska Sobota.
Produced by: Wakunaga of America CO., LTD, 23501 Madero, MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 U.S.A.
Net Quantity:60
Tablettose®, die primär für die Direkttablettierung entwickelt wurde, vereinheitlicht die Fließfähigkeit von grobkörnigen Lactosekristallen und die gute Verpressbarkeit von fein gemahlener Lactose.
L’Isolat de CBD se présente sous forme de poudre cristalline, pure à plus de 99%, dépourvue de saveur. Cette formulation élimine toutes les substances de la plante de chanvre, telles que les huiles, cires, et chlorophylle, garantissant ainsi une pureté maximale. Cette caractéristique permet un dosage précis et fiable.
is a sodium salt of the lactic acid. Sodium lactate belongs to the group of hydrating substances for the skin, that keeps the skin-own moisture and contributes to a slightly acidic pH value. The substances (glycerine, urea and organic acid) form together the Natural Moisturing Factor(NMF). In the EU sodium lactate is known as food additive E 325. The salt is easily soluble in water. The fluid is almost colourless and almost without scent or taste. Sodium lactate is also available in various concentrations (50 % / 60 %), on demand with adjusted pH value.
Qualities:50%, 50% pH 5.5, 60%
Apperance:clear to white
CAS number: :72-17-3
INCI:Sodium Lactate
Durability:2 years
Storage:should be stored at a cool, dry and light shielded place, in sealed packaging
Presentación:50 comprimidos
Composición:Citrato de potasio 108,18 mg (equivalentes a 300 mg de Citrato de Potasio), agentes de carga
Modo de empleo:Tomar 3 comprimidos al día, uno antes de cada comida
Dosis diaria recomendada:3 comprimidos
Liquid Caustic Soda Lye is basic a solution of sodium hydroxide. Depending on the intended application, it can be diluted to 32% or 50 %. The solution is colourless and does not have any smells. It is a salt formed by the reaction of sodium and water
HS Code:281511
We offer ascorbic acid In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Multifunctional chemical peeling based on 15% mandelic acid. It exfoliates the epidermis, stimulating it to intensive regeneration. It evens out the color, supports collagen production, smoothes fine wrinkles and has an anti-aging effect firming the skin. Irreplaceable in the care of problematic skin. It regulates the secretion of sebum, prevents the formation of acne, effectively narrows enlarged pores. It does not cause photosensitization and can be used all year round. In summer, you should use a cream with a UV filter after its application.
Available Packages:Set of 3 positions ( Mandelic Acid 15%): Degreasing + acid peels + nutralization
Country of Origin:POLAND - AVA
L’acide ascorbique est un acide organique ayant des propriétés antioxydante
L’acide ascorbique a les mêmes propriétés que l’ascorbate de sodium
L’acide ascorbique est un produit idéal pour la fabrication de la vitamine C liposomale
Notre acide ascorbique s'allie parfaitement à notre lécithine de Tournesol pour la conception de la vitamine C liposomale.
Notre Acide ascorbique est vendu dans un pot de 1,5 Kg fermé hermétiquement et inviolable
Il nostro alcalino sgrassante è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, questo prodotto è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro alcalino sgrassante, usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi all’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
La vitamina C (también conocida como ácido ascórbico o ácido L-ascórbico) es responsable de muchos procesos metabólicos en el cuerpo. Interviene en el metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono, proteínas y grasas, así como en la síntesis de hemoglobina, eritrocitos y determinadas hormonas.
La vitamina C existe en forma oxidada o reducida como ácido L-ascórbico. Es muy susceptible a la destrucción, principalmente debido a la luz y el calor.
Kwas cytrynowy występuje naturalnie w owocach cytrusowych, ale może być również wytwarzany. Przemysłowy kwas cytrynowy jest wytwarzany głównie w drodze fermentacji lub reakcji chemicznej. Ta ostatnia metoda stosowana jest w około 90% światowej produkcji i polega na fermentacji przy użyciu enzymów i szczepów drobnoustrojów, najczęściej Aspergillus niger.
Kwas cytrynowy ma zdolność stabilizowania emulsji i zapobiega oddzielaniu się tłuszczu. Produkt końcowy dostępny jest w postaci proszku lub granulatu jako bezwodny kwas cytrynowy.